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Rehab Exercises in Snowmass Village

After your pain and discomfort have been addressed, rehabilitation exercises are the next step in restoring your function, mobility, or overall health. Exercise rehabilitation provides many benefits to help our bodies function and recover from any injury in a natural, non-invasive way.

What to Expect

Woman doing therapyThere are various movements and drills to strengthen your muscles and regain your pre-injury level of fitness. The program should include stretching, strengthening, and aerobic conditioning of the back and body. Since the spine is the main source of the body’s function, the more protected it is, the less chance you’ll sustain an injury.

As part of your care plan, Dr. Bolger will look at where your injury is, movement patterns, and other factors to determine what exercises will provide you with the best outcome. There are established protocols to follow, for example post-surgical plans, so we basically follow those and make adjustments as needed for your plan.

At-home exercises are part of your care plan, so Dr. Bolger wants to make sure you know how to do them properly. He’ll train you during your appointment until you’re confident doing them at home.

Some benefits of chiropractic exercise rehabilitation include

  • Pain reduction
  • Increased range of motion
  • Strengthen muscles and bones
  • Helps with balance
  • Prevents future injury
  • Better flexibility and mobility
Your whole body will feel and function better with the combination of chiropractic care and rehabilitation exercises.

Book Today

Contact us to book an appointment today for chiropractic care and discover the difference adding rehabilitation movements to your program can make. Give us a call today, we’re here to answer your questions and concerns.


Rehab Exercises Snowmass Village, Aspen CO | (970) 710-0110